Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mid Term Blog 1

The readings entitled "Effective Internet Presence" and the businesses discussed in class Tuesday correlate, because it has to deal with how relevant one is in social media. The article mentions that some businesses try to find information on future employees or current ones. That's why it's important to be aware of how present you are online-meaning, don't have any "digital dirt" pop up if an employer googles your name. The article mentions "pesonal branding," and that has a lot to do with businesses discussed Tuesday. One of the businesses mentioned was Ralph Lauren-it's a brand. Ralph Lauren is a great example of an effective online presense or social media presense because it allows users to easily access information in a matter of "clicks." They have a Youtube, Facebook and Twitter account that will either gain a following or repell a following. The point is, is that they are marketing themselves through the Internet, and the article discusses the idea that people are marketing themselves through the Internet, just like a business. One's work habits, interests and hobbys can all be accessed by users and allows the opportunity to gain a following, or in Facebook terms, gain a "friend." It's ones "personal brand" that categorizes a person in specific groups online. The example of Ralph Lauren in class and its business online is vital to its survival for todays generation. It's a social media revolution, which can be positive, but negative too. The article mentions the Internet being a public place, so Ralph Lauren posting things about political or religous preferences is probably not such a great idea because it's a business that serves all backgrounds and not just a specific one-so posting something biased could result in losing consumers. I have already branded myself with my project because of things I have posted. My topic is genealogy, so that categorizes me with family and ancestry in the search engine. Luckily, I have an uncommon name because if I ever started my own business, I could market my products under my name, instead of having to create a whole new one. I say "luckily" but that also makes me an easier target for potential employers to google me and find the right Internet page. Today, it's all about instant feedback and having a presense online, whether it's for a business or finding old friends. Eventually it wont be an option to not be immersed in Internet interaction.

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