Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mid Term Blog 2

Second Life can effectively be used in social media simply by relevance. Second Life goes beyond comments and posts because it creates a virtual reality. One can immerse themselves more easily then non-second life communications. By creating an avatar, one creates their virtual self, and one can interact more by the ability to make your avatar show a virtual "facial" expression. Not only that, but one can make your avatar even hug another avatar. Instead of going "page to page," you can simply walk(virtually) to the next room to talk to a person. Second Life not only breaks the distance barrier, but the simple letter or post barrier. One has a better idea of what the person is talking about because you can give the avatar simple expressions to make during a conversation. Social web mentions the marketing strategies of social media, and that before it was created a business could either "buy expensive advertising or beg the mainstream media to tell their story for them." Not only is it a "free" marketing tool, but it's a way to meet people without leaving your home. Business people can create their avatar and have meetings with other people from around the world, without ever leaving their seat. Businesses can actually save money by using social media because they wouldn't have to pay their employees to fly halfway around the world for a meeting. The article mentions the "journalist relations" being "focused on traditional media," which means jobs are evolving because of social media. Public relations are changing or have already changed because of the social media revolution, with the new "PR 2.0," which is very similar to the Web 2.0. It's all about interaction through social networks, and because of social media, it's making it possible for people to interact online through a more "real" type of outlet, like Second Life.

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